We are all salespeople in our own right. Some of us sell for a living, others sell/advocate on behalf of their passion. This blog is meant to share the trials, tribulations, victories, and lessons learned..............from one salesperson to another.

Thursday, February 3, 2011

Selling for Friends

Selling turns into relationships turns into friendships.  THIS is the most rewarding part of our job.  Don't get me wrong..........winning, succeeding, making money.........those are the achievements that keep us going each day.  But when you step back and look at the big picture, the friends that are created through our efforts are the rewards that will far out-last the money and the victory lap.

Sales people that run from one potential client to the next, checking them off of their list as won/lost, and never turning back to cultivate a relationship............are simply missing out on one of the great perks of our profession. I don't mean checking in on them periodically, inviting them to a company party, and sharing lunch with them.  I mean getting to really know them and their family, sharing yours with them, and caring about each others lives outside of the business at hand.  This is the ultimate reward.

Relationships can be forced and somewhat faked.  We can pretend to care for one another in order to maintain a source and service for future needs.  In some cases, this is the best we can hope for.  True friendships are genuine, caring, and tying even once positions extend past the point that business can be done.  I would take a lasting friendship over a one-time business deal any day.  The beauty is, in most case you don't have to choose.  After all, clients do business with who they like and feel comfortable with...........that should be you.

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