We are all salespeople in our own right. Some of us sell for a living, others sell/advocate on behalf of their passion. This blog is meant to share the trials, tribulations, victories, and lessons learned..............from one salesperson to another.

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

OCD Off His Game

I have OCD tendencies, especially when it comes to routine and preparation. Examples are:

- I quadruple check a hotel room before leaving, to make sure I haven't left anything behind
- I walk around my truck to ensure the doors are locked, prior to leaving it at the airport
- I must wake up before 5am on weekdays, because I need to get a head start on my competitors
- I must get some sort of exercise before I start my day, just to get the blood flowing
- I must be on my computer no later than 7:00am, to wrap things up from the prior day and get some breathing room before the day begins

This week Dallas has been hit with an ice storm for the ages, forcing me to cancel my week of trips. That's nothing out of the ordinary. But this time, the ice has turned everything upside down, canceling school for 3 straight days, and closing many commercial businesses. So, this morning I follow my my every day "in-town" routine, trek through the ice to the gym to arrive by opening time of 5am. Nobody's there, so I get on the website to find out that opening is delayed until 7am due to ice. What now? There's no place for me to go at 5am. So I go back home, return to the gym at 7am, rush through a workout, and get on the computer at 8:15. It took until lunch time to overcome the anxiety from getting out of my routine.

It's crazy that a scenario like this throws me off, causing me to rush through the morning to try to catch up to where I should be. I need to overcome this, as when my OCD tendencies are interrupted, I get off my game. I cant afford to be off my game. I'll work on it, and I'll get better. It looks like I get to practice soon as schools are canceled again tomorrow. Another 7am gym day?

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