We are all salespeople in our own right. Some of us sell for a living, others sell/advocate on behalf of their passion. This blog is meant to share the trials, tribulations, victories, and lessons learned..............from one salesperson to another.

Monday, January 17, 2011

Teammates Are Your Strength During Tough Times

Life throws curveballs.  There are times in your personal life that will take away from your everyday life in sales.  Sales is such a fast-moving, competitive atmosphere that you generally feel that you can't afford to take a day off,  or a day away from the craze.  I thrive on the thought of my competitors taking a day away.  A day without competitors brings a day of new opportunities for me.  The truth is, we all need these days away.  We need to take care of our family, and ourselves.

It's days like these when the strength of your team is brought to the forefront.  You must have a support system that ensures opportunities do not slip through the cracks, when you're not there to take care of them.  A support system like this is everyones goal.  Now that I have a network of highly qualified teammates that surround me, I realize that many of them are better equipped to handle the opportunities than I am.  This is the goal succeeded at a whole different level.

When you're building a team, focus on quality and strength.  Do not get caught up in the fear that quality may threaten job security.  I've seen this happen before, and it's a trap.  A trap that will prevent you and your company from living up to its full potential.  Look for people that are better than you.  Find them, embrace them, train them, and learn from them.  You will be a better salesperson/manager/company man for it.  They will make you better.  They will challenge you to become better, and push you to new heights.  If they truly are better than you, than perhaps they deserve your job.  That shouldn't be a fear, it should be a challenge.  Embrace it, and improve.

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