We are all salespeople in our own right. Some of us sell for a living, others sell/advocate on behalf of their passion. This blog is meant to share the trials, tribulations, victories, and lessons learned..............from one salesperson to another.

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Easy to Talk To?

Being "easy to talk to" is not a dead-set necessity to become successful in sales. But, it's like money and happiness..........it sure does help. You know the type of person that I'm talking about, and you know if you are one of them or not. If you are, you receive those calls each day which drag on much longer thn you were anticipating. If you're not, that's OK.......but I'm pretty sure you would find some benefit by working on improving that skill-set. The biggest benefit is that salespeople that are easy to talk to, tend to be the one's that clients are endeared to. They get appointments easier, and they get more valuable information that may be key in their progression. I don't think anyone will argue that they prefer to interact with people that are easy to talk to, in all facets of life.

Here's the flip-side: this skill-set comes with responsibilities, patience, and time committal. You are the person that others call to vent about what's going on, frustrations they feel, and the other people that they don't feel like they can talk to. This takes lengthy conversations dealing with various events, likely to be unrelated to your daily task at hand.

The conversation ends, and then what?? Now you have a choice. Do you want to do something about it, follow up with your confidant, and remain the person that gets called just to be heard?? My personal answer is YES!! But that may not be what you want, and like I said, that's OK. I find that moments like these are when relationships are strengthened, credibility is earned, and long-lasting business is built.

Sure, it's a task, in the midst of many other tasks. Pick the right time to be this person, and you may luck into the opportunity of a lifetime. Choose to become this person, and your guaranteed not to miss this opportunity......and you'll likely make some good friends along the way.

*****if you're ever stuck in an airport for 5 hours, I hope for you it's not the Dayton airport.

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