We are all salespeople in our own right. Some of us sell for a living, others sell/advocate on behalf of their passion. This blog is meant to share the trials, tribulations, victories, and lessons learned..............from one salesperson to another.

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

A Team to Succeed With

In 2010, I flew somewhere around 115 segments.  Today, was flight #1 for 2011.  I loved the time at home with the family over the Holidays.  I actually can't remember a Holiday Season that I enjoyed more.  Memories were made, bonds were strengthened, and a sense of "home life" was restored.  Now, back to the grind.

I spent the day today with a brand new member of my sales team.  During this orientation, I was reminded of how passionate I am about what I do.  I was reminded that what I do is not a task, or a chore, or an avenue to pay the bills.......it is a fixture of my lifestyle that I thrive on.  The people that I work with are much more than that, they are even more than my extended family.  They are a team that lives, dies, wins, loses, fights, celebrates, and consults together every day.  I interact with them more than anyone else.  I'm not one to determine whether this is healthy or not, but I can't imagine it any other way.  For me personally, my stability in this is my family at home, my supportive wife, and my kids who always show unconditional love.

I can only hope that my passion translated through to my new teammate.  In a sales environment, it is crucial that each team member buy into our goals, and the greater good of our ultimate objectives.  Without this, success is an even greater challenge.  Who wants to achieve the ultimate success standing alone anyways?  I would imagine life is better at the top, when you have others to share success with.

BTW - The Courtyard at Cincinnati Airport looks like anyoutdatedcourtyardusa..........

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