We are all salespeople in our own right. Some of us sell for a living, others sell/advocate on behalf of their passion. This blog is meant to share the trials, tribulations, victories, and lessons learned..............from one salesperson to another.

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

A Season of Momentum

Momentum occurs in sales, just as it does in sports.  Sometimes you don't realize it because you're caught up in the craziness of each day.  Then you step back and realize, the activities of the past week have all been positive!!  Calls coming in, new clients, new projects, new dollars to spend.  If you realize that momentum is occurring, during the time that it's actually occurring, you can build from it and extend the timeframe that the momentum lasts.  The next call can feed off of the last call which came from a call yesterday which was made to prepare for your call tomorrow.  The team feels the momentum, and reflects it to their clients, and good things continue to happen.  People want to be a part of something good, something positive, something with momentum.  People jump on the bandwagon of hot sports teams all of the time, and they will jump onto your bandwagon all the same.

At some point the momentum comes to an end.  What now??  Take a deep breath, reflect on what you did to begin your momentum in the first place, how you extended it for as long as you did, and what ultimately brought it to a halt.  Consider other markets, regions, or products in which the same type of momentum could be built.  And go after it.

What if it's a false sense of momentum?  The phones are ringing, clients are being visited, prices and proposals are flying out like crazy..............but the orders aren't coming in.  You get a false sense that "you're back."  People love you again, you're on a roll.  Until you evaluate the #'s, and realize you're just busy, that's it..........not successful.  Great salespeople know the difference between real momentum and false momentum.  And, they don't try to trick anyone else into believing when it's false.

Momentum creates the best moments in sales.  The moments you remember, you build from, and you try again and again to replicate.  When you're in a season of momentum, don't slow down, don't get complacent, and don't trick yourself into thinking you're better than you really are.  Work harder and smarter, and extend that season as long as possible.  Before you know it it will be off-season, and you'll be regrouping.

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