We are all salespeople in our own right. Some of us sell for a living, others sell/advocate on behalf of their passion. This blog is meant to share the trials, tribulations, victories, and lessons learned..............from one salesperson to another.

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Sell Yourself

The interview process is fascinating to me.  I don't particularly love sitting and interviewing candidates all day, but I do love to evaluate each candidates preparation, dress, intuitiveness, and response to questions.  Today, I interviewed 4 candidates.  I must say that it was the strongest day of candidates I have ever had, as any of the 4 will be great assets to whatever company they land with.  Usually one or two stick out, and the rest are very forgettable.

The main reason that I am so interested in this process is because it is the most important sales presentation you, as a candidate, will ever give.  There is no sales presenation bigger than this.  To add to that, there is nothing that you know more about or should believe more in than you.  There is no study necessary.  If you can't sell me you, how can you sell me a product?  And, you can also oversell you......a sure sign of an over-promiser.  Nobody is perfect, so lets talk openly about weaknesses.

It's amazing how the little things can be neglected.  When a guy doesn't wear a coat and tie.  If this is how you dress for your most important sales presentation, how are you going to dress on day to day presentations?  This is my biggest pet peave in the interview process.  Aside from that:  research the company, the products, the sales history, the clientelle.  Make me believe that I'm a fool not to have you start working for us tomorrow.

**  How is it that I end up in a hotel at Disneyland during Spring Break?  This wasn't planned too well.

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