We are all salespeople in our own right. Some of us sell for a living, others sell/advocate on behalf of their passion. This blog is meant to share the trials, tribulations, victories, and lessons learned..............from one salesperson to another.

Thursday, March 17, 2011

Circumstances Change

4 years ago I had one of those conversations that you never forget that ended with a guy threatening me with a lawsuit.  Today, I had lunch with him.  Following lunch we had a successful joint sales call in which I believe we secured a big project.  I have not spoken to this guy, or anyone related to his company since the memorable conversation 4 years past.  He didn't even remember it, supposedly.  Towards the end of lunch this past event came up, we re-hashed the scenario, and were able to put it behind us and even laugh.

For the past 4 years I would have only spoken negative things about this company if it came up.  It's even a random set of events that landed us at lunch together today in the first place.  I don't know if I'll ever do business with this company or not, but I learned that they are actually decent people.  What happened in the past definitely happened, and for a certain reason, and played a role in shaping the market that it directly affects..............but can be put behind us to entertain opportunities going forward.

For sure there are other bias' that I hold due to events that occurred long ago, that because of, it's unlikely that I will ever initiate future business opportunities with again.  How many opportunites will I miss because of this?  Approaching these companies is not a reasonable plan of attack that can be initiated.  But, an open mind is something that I can work on improving, so that if an opportunity arises, I'm not so quick to dismiss the idea and close the door.  Listen, look, have an unbiased person evaluate..........and make a new decision.  This time it may lead to something positive.

**  The guy that I met for lunch today (in California) said he was worried that the lunch spot he chose might be too trendy, since I'm from Texas.  Funny...........

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