We are all salespeople in our own right. Some of us sell for a living, others sell/advocate on behalf of their passion. This blog is meant to share the trials, tribulations, victories, and lessons learned..............from one salesperson to another.

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Company Politics

Any company with 3 employees or more will experience some form of company politics.  These politics can be one of the greatest limitations that prevent your company from achieving the next level............if they're not managed properly.  But when handled in a correct manner, they can actually provide a great platform to prove yourself.  Politics are a drag, and likely my least favorite part of the corporate world.  But they will always be, and must be embraced.

You don't have to be a politician to survive company politics.  You must simply decide what you stand for, what your goals are, what your beliefs are, where your loyalties lie, and what manner you wish to represent yourself................and then stick with it.  Those that waiver or perceive to be following the popular direction may see short-term success, but will have an uphill battle to leadership.

An abbreviated formula to succeed in company politics is:  BE YOURSELF + BELIEVE IN YOUR DIRECTION + LEARN WHO YOU CAN AND CAN'T TRUST

Oh yeah, and try not to get caught up in company politics..........they take time away from selling.

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