We are all salespeople in our own right. Some of us sell for a living, others sell/advocate on behalf of their passion. This blog is meant to share the trials, tribulations, victories, and lessons learned..............from one salesperson to another.

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

I don't make the rules

I was reminded today that clients get to make the rules, not me. As a salesperson, the challenge is finding a buyer who is willing and able to buy your product. Once that is accomplished, following their rules to execute the agreement should be the easy part.

Once they say, "I'm leaning towards giving my business to you, but here are the next steps you must take"..........assuming these steps are within reason.........the hard part is now over and the steps should simply be details.

It doesn't always proceed that easily. For some reason as salespeople we think we get to make the rules. We get caught up in how it's "usually" done, and we don't remain flexible to meet the needs of the client. Then we must get slapped into shape, and reminded that it's not our job to make life difficult, but to appease every reasonable request that makes our clients lives easier. Hopefully, it's a coworker that's slapping us into shape, and not a client.

There are enough challenges in sales, following the rules of a willing buyer should never be one of them. Stay flexible, and remember that you are a solution provider.

**. Remember dinner at the Courtyard last night? Breakfast was much worse. I think this was a new Courtyard with a new design.......and I did not dig it. Hopefully it's a trial design and it gets nixed soon.

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