We are all salespeople in our own right. Some of us sell for a living, others sell/advocate on behalf of their passion. This blog is meant to share the trials, tribulations, victories, and lessons learned..............from one salesperson to another.

Monday, May 16, 2011


Positivity breeds positivity.  Positivity breeds creative thinking.  Positivity breeds collaboration, momentum, happiness, health, work ethic, team work, willingness, incentive, and atmosphere.  Positivity breeds sales.

In the world of unteachable traits, positivity is among the most valuable.  Sure, isolated from other characteristics lending to sales, positivity doesn't bring much other than a person that others enjoy to be around.  But, combined with other salesmanship qualities, positivity is the trait that binds it all together that makes it a pleasure for clients to call on you for help.

Positivity is fully in our control.  It is our choice how we view and treat various situations, and sure, not all situations can justify a positive spin.  But when presented the opportunity, approach each situation with a positive outlook, and it will greatly benefit the outcome and the environment in which you create around you.

**  6am flights shouldn't really be allowed.  The security lines are only half way open, no airport restaraunts are open, except for Starbucks.  And that lady insisted that she wasn't really open...........she was just taking orders for anyone paying by credit card, which was the entire line...........then she would tell everyone that ordered that she wasn't really open, but was trying to be nice.  She did that all the way up until the time that they were officially open..........with a big fake smile.

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