We are all salespeople in our own right. Some of us sell for a living, others sell/advocate on behalf of their passion. This blog is meant to share the trials, tribulations, victories, and lessons learned..............from one salesperson to another.

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

I Can't Stop

I'm obviously on a kick about teamwork, accountability, and direction.  These factors are literally consuming my thoughts these days.  This doesn't come as a surprise as we are in the midst of our busiest time of year when business is coming to fruition to either be won or lost.  To be able to send multiple requests to multiple teammates and watch everything come in within a deadline and in perfect detail..........is priceless.  Really, there is not a value that you can place on this.  I'm seeing it happen everyday, and it continues to make everyone better.

This all relies on factors that I've posted about recently:  good people, teamwork, and shared importance.  All of this is necessary to secure the big business.  Small business is easy to come by on a daily basis, without too much outside coordination.    Big business is different.  Every competitor is fighting for the big business, tapping all of their resources, and presenting their A-game.  To compete here, you must have the right people in place to deliver quickly and perfectly.

I am so proud to be a part of this team.  This time of year plays a huge role in our outcome for the overall year.  Seasons like this can build momentum, or leave you wondering where you missed and what you can do better next time.  A month from now I'll have a better idea of how we fared through this season.  For sure, my priorities will be shaped and adjusted based on the outcome.  Until then, I can't imagine having much else on my mind.........other than continuing to utilize the strengths and capabilties of the team.

**  It's taken 4 months to get 1,000 hits on this blog (almost there), that's pretty weak.  What do I need to do to get 1,000 hits in the month of May?  Help spread the word!!!

1 comment:

  1. if you posted the Vince Sandlin Podcast on the blog it would generate roughly 600 hits per week...let me know if I can help ;) lol
