We are all salespeople in our own right. Some of us sell for a living, others sell/advocate on behalf of their passion. This blog is meant to share the trials, tribulations, victories, and lessons learned..............from one salesperson to another.

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Competitive Environment

Over the past two weeks I've interviewed 8 candidates for an open sales position.  In the past, I've seen a ratio of 1 out of ever 4 candidates as being "hireable" without question.  This go-around, I believe I would be happy working with 6 out of the 8.

Just like it's a buyers market in housing, it's an employers market in hiring.  It makes for a great scenario from where I sit, but with difficult choices.  With a variety of what seem to be great choices, making sure you choose wisely and don't pass on the best is the priority.  Every candidate brings a list of obvious strengths and weaknesses to the table.............and unfortunately that's what I have to go by.  What I can't see is the real world scenario of them as a team member.  Does that look the same, better, or worse?  Does an hour (sales presentation) interview do justice of what to expect in reality?  The decision is a big one, and impacts multiple parties in a great magnitude.

I don't know of a better formula than to simply go with my gut.  What feels right?  Who would I buy from?  Who would I work well with?  Who would work well within our team?  Gut feelings aren't always right, but they seem to be the most accurate.  I am one to make a decision and run with it, and turn it into the best scenario that I can.  There's no reason to think I'll do anything different in this case, it's just an interesting predicament where it seems that I can't go wrong..........yet I can make a huge mistake.  Here's to the fate of my gut!!

** The flight attendant on the plane this morning says "You and I are seeing a lot of each other lately."  Ummm that's a problem.

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