We are all salespeople in our own right. Some of us sell for a living, others sell/advocate on behalf of their passion. This blog is meant to share the trials, tribulations, victories, and lessons learned..............from one salesperson to another.

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Strength of a Team

I talk a lot about team, I know it gets redundant.  But, I feel that strongly about it.  Perhaps it's because I played team sports my entire life?  Perhaps it's because I recognized that I'm stronger with others than I am alone?  Perhaps I need the camaraderie?  I'm not real sure why exactly, but I can't imagine that this will ever change.

I do realize that not everybody values or understands the dynamics of teamwork equally.  I sometimes take for granted that everyone feels the same that I do, but I come to realization sooner or later.  We are stronger as a team.  I am stronger with you, and you with me.  We can accomplish more, touch more, satisfy more, overachieve more, deliver more, and ultimately...........sell more.  The key is to learn how to utilize each other efficiently.  Recognize how our strengths and weaknesses can be used in tandem.  Identify our roles, and never, never, never........take them for granted.

The minute that you begin working towards your own personal agenda, rather than the teams.........we lose.  The minute you forget that that I'm working for the betterment of the team.......we lose.  The minute that any team member doubts one's intention..........we lose.  When the team is put before the individuals........all of the members win in the end.  I have to take pride and root for your success, as if it's my own.  A team like this is very difficult to beat.

In sports one team will always thrive in a scenario where teammates on the opposing team begin fighting amongst themselves.  Teams that don't root for each other are at a heavy disadvantage.  I know I'm getting into an area of many cliche's.  But, a team of solid role players rooting for each other will almost always beat a team of individuals rooting for themselves.  We win, we lose, we celebrate, and we persevere together.

**  Now that the Mavs are done (CHAMPS!!) I can get back on my normal sleeping schedule.  I have been amazed at how different I've felt the past 3 weeks with losing 1-2 hours of sleep a few times a week.  Already feeling better...........

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