We are all salespeople in our own right. Some of us sell for a living, others sell/advocate on behalf of their passion. This blog is meant to share the trials, tribulations, victories, and lessons learned..............from one salesperson to another.

Wednesday, December 10, 2014

Go.......and Be.

This can be taken in many different contexts, but lets think Business for now:  There is a difference between Believers and Disciples.  A Believer will believe in their products, their service, their message, their strategy, their intentions.........whatever it is their selling, but they may leave it at that.  A Disciple believes as well, but then goes out and lives it........and makes other Believers.

In Sales we talk about it, that's actually what we do for a living.  We talk to our bosses about how much we're going to sell, how we're going to sell it, and who we're going to sell it to.  Then we talk to our clients about how great it is, how they need to buy it, and how much of it they need to buy.  Then we talk to our family and friends about how much we're selling and how their companies should have more sales guys like us.  It's what we do..........we are Believers.  We talk about it.

We need more Disciples, the ones who can go BE about it. These guys (and girls) still have to talk about it (it's what they do), but it sounds different.  There is a passion and confidence that is different.  It's not a "do-you-buy-in" message, it's a "watch and join in" message.  "Here's why you should buy from me" changes to "let's see if we are a good fit for each other."  Everyone around them wants to follow, they want to feed from that success.  Disciples don't cut corners or bend expectations to clients.  They promise and deliver. They don't have to talk to friends and family about their success.  Success, leadership, integrity........simply follow and surround them.  These things are in their DNA.

It is a process.  These things go hand-in-hand, and are an evolving relationship.  It grows over time, and continues to grow as you live it.  You Believe, and then you Go and Be.  Summed up in a common phrase: "Don't talk about it, Be about it."  BEing about it is what we all strive for, that's when we've hit our sweet-spot, and that's when we're having the true impact that we are called to.

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