We are all salespeople in our own right. Some of us sell for a living, others sell/advocate on behalf of their passion. This blog is meant to share the trials, tribulations, victories, and lessons learned..............from one salesperson to another.

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Today makes up for yesterday

I was having trouble finding people working yesterday..........umm, they made up for it today. My early am flight to LAX was jam packed, with people in good moods, eager to get to work. The fact that I landed in LA during rush hour, drove 120 miles and finally made my way back to LAX, means that I have been overcrowded all day. The activity today was a great start after Returning from a slow week. The most impressive thing today was that everyone I came across was generally happy. Of course you find good moods everywhere during the Holidays, but it seemed that people were ready to get back to work today. I met with a handful of clients, each of which seemed eager to start the year. All of my phone conversations, same thing. So now we need to ride this out as long as we can. Will it wear off in a week or a month? Maybe tomorrow......... I'm not sure at what point the grind begins to wear on us collectively. But as for now, use it to your advantage.........and influence it to last as long as possible. **. My most recent celebrity spotting is Luke Wilson sitting a the table next to me at Mi Cocina in Highland Park. A very normal guy, wearing wranglers and tennis shoes. I would have never spotted him had he not been pointed out.....I'm sure that was his objective. **. I'm sitting in the exact same spot on the floor at the airport, in which I slept for 2 hours during my Red-Eye Adventure (reference the lot from November).

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