We are all salespeople in our own right. Some of us sell for a living, others sell/advocate on behalf of their passion. This blog is meant to share the trials, tribulations, victories, and lessons learned..............from one salesperson to another.

Tuesday, April 5, 2011


How can we get anything done when we're always waiting on others? We definitely can't increase productivity by doing everything ourselves. Herein lies the catch 22. I need to increase productivity, though I can't do what I need to at the moment because I wait on others...... So, I start a new project, move onto another task, reply to a different message......and I wait. Now, with multiple tasks partially complete, I juggle and prioritize and wait and plan and prepare and theorize and assume and imagine and initiate and predict.....and wait.

Quality people with clear objectives and good communication - that's the answer. I have a great network and team, but even then, this process is unavoidable. And I'm as guilty as anyone (maybe more so) of keeping people waiting.

When looking for ways to increase efficiency and productivity, look no further than the turnaround time and decision making willingness from your team members. Right or wrong, turn it around, make a decision, and keep moving. Juggling unfinished business costs big money.

** I've taken time away from blogging for the past week and my brain misses the exercise. I'm sure the lack of sleep hasn't helped, time to get back on track.

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