We are all salespeople in our own right. Some of us sell for a living, others sell/advocate on behalf of their passion. This blog is meant to share the trials, tribulations, victories, and lessons learned..............from one salesperson to another.

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Managing Mishaps

We do our best with time management.  The busier we get, the more there is to manage, and the more opportunity there is for details to slip through the cracks.  It's a catch-22.  We want to be busier, as busy-ness, often times translates into business.  This comes with the territory.  The downfall to this is that things do slip through the cracks, no matter how hard you try, and how good your intentions are.  I disappoint myself during times when my mis-management allows a disappointing, unintentional outcome for one of my valued teammates.  It happens, and I know it will happen again.  Each time it happens, all I can do is learn how to get better to prevent it from happening again.  The damage control that must be done as a follow up is very costly.  It takes time..........trust building and credibility earning time.  All due to something that could have been prevented had I crossed all of my t's and dotted all of my i's leading up to the situation.  There are rarely bad intentions leading up to things like this, but the damage is done nonetheless.  I hate that trust is put into jeopardy, but I cringe to think about the time that will be spent to un-do the damage..........taking away from time that would otherwise be spent growing sales.

This is something that will always occur in business, in sales, and in management.  We each get to choose how much time and effort we spend fixing these situations.  Good sales people prevent these situations at all costs.  Great sales people fix these situations at all cost, learn how to work through them and instill preventative measures, and build a better team through these times.

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